Real Travel Adventures International Magazine

Real Travel Adventures International Magazine

'No worries in the other land down under', by Linda Ballou - October 2003

In New Zealand, a country that embraces tourism like no other, the outdoor loving Kiwis have made nature's treasures accessible to all. A network of trails from mild to wild, are well marked and maintained by the Department of Conservation. Numerous outfitters are happy to take visitors hiking, biking, kayaking, snorkelling, whale watching, birding and more. Just bring a fit body, plenty of sun block, and a sense of humour to the other land down under. You will be amazed at the variety of terrain from the snow-crowned Southern Alps with glaciers descending into lush rainforests, to rugged valleys carved by wild rivers rushing to sun-washed shores.

New Zealand consists of two major islands -the North and the South- and many smaller islands, including Stewart Island, recently given National Park status. Three-quarters of the not quite four million people that call themselves Kiwis live on the more temperate North Island. The South Island has the most spectacular scenery with nine National Parks dedicated to preserving the splendid native forests. The isolation of the landmass that split off from the South Pole eighty million years ago has engendered flora and fauna that is totally unique. Over 250 bird species are found nowhere else but New Zealand. Giant trees, ferns and mosses endemic to the region seem other-worldly.

The best time to visit is in spring (November) through fall (March). The temperatures these times of year are mild, averaging about 70 degrees with a tantalizing breeze, and the days are long with sunlight until about nine at night. I met Kyle, my guide from Active Adventures New Zealand, in Christchurch, the largest city on the South Island. This London knockoff is the start and end point for most outfitters and independent travelers as well. He picked me up in the van that would be my home away from home for the next two weeks. We collected the other five guests; a telecommunications whiz kid from Dallas, a systems analyst escaping from the deserts of Qatar, and a mature gentleman with his "thirtyish" daughter and son-in-law. Soon we were barreling up Highway One, a two-lane road that makes a giant loop around the South Island with unlimited opportunities for side trips to adventure.

I chose this moderately priced Kiwi-owned tour group, because they offer the closest thing to independent travel available with the comforts of lodging, food, toys and transport in an all-inclusive carefree package. The popular multi-sport adventure I selected from their list of options is an action-packed holiday. It proved to be so eventful I can only detail a few of the highlights of my incredible journey that included trekking, kayaking and biking through magical terrain filled with beautiful surprises. It's wonderful to be chauffeured, especially when everyone is driving on the "wrong" side of the road. The panoramic windows of our van brought the magnificent scenery closer to view as we cruised past golden pastures sprinkled liberally with sheep along a rugged windswept coastline. We averaged a couple of hours of driving a day between adventures. Each evening brought us another lovely setting to explore while Kyle prepared a home-cooked meal for us. Our lodgings were a mixture of small motels with self-contained units, bed and breakfasts and even a shearer's lodge on a remote knoll overlooking Mt. Cook.

It's tough to choose from the fine experiences I had in the incredible terrain of the South Island, but my top four outdoor adventures on this whirlwind holiday are as follows:

Trekking in Nelson Lakes National Park.
There are eight great walks on the South Island that require several days to complete. They are challenging, but the reward is the solitude of the native bush and genuine outback experience. Active New Zealand is one of two commercial outfitters with permits into the less-traveled Nelson Lakes National park at the northern tip of the Southern Alps. The Cascade track we were to take to the summit has a 3,500-foot elevation gain in thirteen miles. Throughout our journey we were given many choices in activities and on this leg of the trip we were offered a less strenuous track or kayaking while those who chose to do the more demanding trek were away.

Bent on having the quintessential Kiwi tramping holiday, I strapped on a backpack, even though I'd never worn one before, and followed the others in my group just as eager to get into the bush as I was. After a mellow march along the shore of sparkling Lake Rotoiti we spent a night at Lake Head Hut. It's oddly peaceful to bed down with about twenty strangers on a communal mat like sheep in the meadow.

Next morning found all six of us rested, standing in tall grass spiked with purple foxglove beside the Travers River. Kyle pointed to the slate gray, snow-streaked peaks in the distance and said "That is where were we will sleep tonight." The under-thirties sprang like jackrabbits up the trail and were soon out of sight. I followed behind Lutz, a fit 64 year old Californian, whose stocky body was dwarfed by his pack. He picked his way through the root-strewn trail that led us through the towering red and silver beech forest. Three-quarters of the amazing variety of plants growing in this preserve are endemic. Spreading fronds of giant tree ferns, and thick layers of moss, lichens and epiphytic vines converge to create a symphony in the key of green. Birds like the tomtits, robins, the tiny rifleman and the flashy fantail twitter from the depths of the cool forest. The friendly gossip of the energetic Hukere Stream churning over black boulders kept us company all along the challenging climb to its headwaters.

Kyle, whose father is a Maori chief, unfurled a palm frond for us to examine. The tendrils of the mother fern hide thousands of fern pods that the Maori people saw as children of the forest. Soon the pods will propagate and this world will be rejuvenated with new life. The fierce looking faces of the Polynesian people, ancestors to the Maori, who sailed here in large canoes about 1200 years ago, became gentle to me with this knowledge. The swirling tattoo patterns that covered their faces and bodies were simply imitations of the ferns in the lush rain forest they lived in. No wonder the fern is the national symbol of New Zealand.

When we reached Angelus Hut, the hub of the Nelson Lakes trail network, we were greeted by an international array of hikers. Kyle whipped up a pasta dish for us that made the rest, eating from freeze-dried packets, envious. I fell asleep to a cacophony of snores that did not betray an accent. The hike out of the park from Angelus Hut across Robert's Ridge involved a scramble up a steep face, followed by boulder hopping on a goat trail, to reach an undulating easy romp across the top of the world. For several hours, Lutz and I walked the spine of the mountain enjoying outrageous vistas of serrated peaks and the gold and green patchwork quilt of farms far below. Warm sun tempered by an intoxicating breeze kept my engine purring. Once down from the mountain, we cooled our "dogs" in glacier-fed Rotoroa Lake where Kyle waited for us with an ice chest full of cold drinks.

Kayaking in Okarito Lagoon on the Wild West Coast
We spent a couple of restful days in Okarito, a laid-back beach community, a few miles north of Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers on the windswept west coast of the South Island. At the Royal Motel, a cluster of cozy cottages framed in flowers, Kyle grilled up lamb, sausages, chicken and fish fillets and served them with mounds of fresh fruits, salad and vegetables to fortify us for our kayak outing in the morning.

The Okarito Lagoon is home to the only white heron rookery in the Southern Hemisphere and locals are proud of the 150 species of bird that breed in the region. It is the largest undisturbed wetland on the South Island and home to one of the last stands of the Kahikatea tree, the tallest of the native trees that takes hundreds of years to mature.

We were greeted with a perfect paddle day; glassy calm water, a mist hanging over the shoulder of the snow-frosted Southern Alps in the distance and a couple of promising patches of blue overhead. Wet suits, self-guiding maps and kayaks were provided by Okarito Nature Tours. Pole markers placed in the lagoon form a water trail to deep channels and the best birding spots. The estuary is a network of protected waters lined with flax, bright orange flowers, stalks of shimmering gold pampas grass (toitoi) and cabbage trees that look like a cross between a cactus and a palm. Tui, black birds with a puffy white ball at their throat, chortled as they plucked seeds from the purple seed stems of the flax. The thrum of cicadas filled the air. A flock of black swans drifted in the reflection of the shaggy Rimu and Kowhai trees, famous for yellow dripping flowers lining the shore.

Biking through Eglinton Valley to Milford Sound
No trip to the South Island is complete without a jaunt through Fiordland into moody Milford Sound on the southern tip of the Island. We did ours riding mountain bikes on the two lane road winding through bewitchingly beautiful Eglinton Valley. We pedaled past jade green Gunn Lake, stopping to admire the snowcapped spires reflected in Mirror Lake. Just before the Divide, the highest point on the route, we made a detour to hike Key Summit on the Routeburn Track. This switchback to the heavens provides staggering views of the Hollyford Valley. Once aloft, an undulating nature trail wraps around a sapphire glacier cirque, framed in low-slung alpine shrubs and ground hugging white flowers. On this plateau, I felt very close to the gods.

From there we did a glide to our lodging in Milford Sound on our mountain bikes. The corkscrew descent through this spectacular valley takes you past a dozen waterfalls sliding down slick steep granite walls shimmering in the sun. We made a quick side trip at the Chasm where turbo-charged water has carved holes in huge boulders that look like great skulls with water gushing from the eye sockets. We spent the night in moody Milford Sound that reclaims its haunting majesty at the end of the day when all the tourist buses have gone back to Queenstown or Te Anau.

Jet Boating in Pristine Wilkin's Valley
The jet boat, that rides on a cushion of air at about 60 MPH, was invented by a New Zealand farmer who wanted to get his sheep to market via rivers plagued with shifting gravel beds, snags and other obstacles. With veteran guide Brent at the wheel, we blasted up the Wilkin's River Valley at the foot of white-caped Mt. Aspiring. A warm wind teased the sun-spangled water into small ripples. Cows munching peacefully on green grass on the shore made fun targets for Brent who swerved the boat sharply sending a rooster spray in their direction. He handily sideswiped trees growing on islands in the middle of our path. I shrieked with delight, as we charged up the river in a series of serpentine moves designed to provide maximum thrill. Brent revved the engine to power our way up a set of rapids and capped off the maneuver with a 360- degree spin that left me wet with spray and screaming at the top of my lungs. It was grand!

New Zealand
The sheer volume of soul stirring vistas and heart-thumping adventure on this journey was amazing. With the shackles of daily life put down for a time, my mind was free to roam unfettered. I felt soothed, as if I'd soaked in a tranquil lagoon for a century or two. Now that I've gained an overview of this fun-filled country, I hope to return for more of the "other land down under" where there are "no worries mate."

Hear from our Happy Guests
4.85/5 Rating | 6,500+ Reviews

What people say about our trips

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Ultimate North Island Adventure

Ronald H

"We booked this excursion wanting to see and hike this extraordinary country which it did. However the range of activities we engaged in, snorkelling, mountain biking, Sandboarding, tube rafting added an exciting dimension and perspective by actually experiencing what NZ has to offer. Accommodations were excellent and above expectation; snacks, and sunscreen always available. Definitely recommend!

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We booked this excursion wanting to see and hike this extraordinary country which it did.…

"We booked this excursion wanting to see and hike this extraordinary country which it did. However the range of activities we engaged in, snorkelling, mountain biking, Sandboarding, tube rafting added an exciting dimension and perspective by actually experiencing what NZ has to offer. Accommodations were excellent and above expectation; snacks, and sunscreen always available. Definitely recommend! read less

4.7 Stars (336 reviews)

R | October 7200

Great Walks of New Zealand

Margaret M

"Liana & Kelly were fabulous guides & I loved every minute of my trip. The accommodation, food & walks were all great.

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Liana & Kelly were fabulous guides & I loved every minute of my trip. The…

"Liana & Kelly were fabulous guides & I loved every minute of my trip. The accommodation, food & walks were all great. read less

4.7 Stars (128 reviews)

M | January 1970

New Zealand Walking Adventure

Don K

"This trip provided a variety of hikes through beautiful rain forests, beaches and mountains. We were always given a choice between an easier hike and a more strenuous hike. I would highly recommend the Heli-Hike on Franz Josef glacier. It was a unique and very memorable experience. Mel and Kayla were excellent guides for this trip. Most of the meals were prepared and cooked by Mel and Kayla and they provided a variety of delicious meals. They also made accommodations for those with dietary restrictions. Mel provided a sarcastic wit and was very knowledgeable with answering questions. She was also an amazing driver through some very windy roads with a bus and attached trailer to navigate. Mel and Kayla provided a fun, safe, delicious and adventurous trip. I highly recommend this trip for anyone looking to hike, kayak and wine taste in an absolutely beautiful country.

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This trip provided a variety of hikes through beautiful rain forests, beaches and mountains. We…

"This trip provided a variety of hikes through beautiful rain forests, beaches and mountains. We were always given a choice between an easier hike and a more strenuous hike. I would highly recommend the Heli-Hike on Franz Josef glacier. It was a unique and very memorable experience. Mel and Kayla were excellent guides for this trip. Most of the meals were prepared and cooked by Mel and Kayla and they provided a variety of delicious meals. They also made accommodations for those with dietary restrictions. Mel provided a sarcastic wit and was very knowledgeable with answering questions. She was also an amazing driver through some very windy roads with a bus and attached trailer to navigate. Mel and Kayla provided a fun, safe, delicious and adventurous trip. I highly recommend this trip for anyone looking to hike, kayak and wine taste in an absolutely beautiful country. read less

4.8 Stars (387 reviews)

D | January 1970

Ultimate North Island Adventure

Jennie C

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

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Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime! read less

4.7 Stars (336 reviews)

J | January 1970

Ultimate North Island Adventure

Keith S

"My ultimate north island trip was outstanding. The trip was extensive, well thought through and as promised 'Active'. A good trip was made exceptional by the contribution of our guides Luke and Noah. Thier knowledge, insight, attention to detail and helpfulness could not have been better.

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My ultimate north island trip was outstanding. The trip was extensive, well thought through and…

"My ultimate north island trip was outstanding. The trip was extensive, well thought through and as promised 'Active'. A good trip was made exceptional by the contribution of our guides Luke and Noah. Thier knowledge, insight, attention to detail and helpfulness could not have been better. read less

4.7 Stars (336 reviews)

K | January 1970

Ultimate South Island Adventure

Gurameen C

"Certainly! Here's a revised version:

Greg and Kim are an exceptional team, and our experience with them was truly memorable. Kim's culinary skills created an array of delightful dishes that had us savoring every bite. From appetizers to main courses, each plate was a testament to her culinary expertise, leaving a lasting impression.

On the other hand, Greg's knowledge of New Zealand and its diverse birdlife brought a unique and engaging element to our stay. His passion for the subject was evident in the captivating stories he shared, turning casual conversations into fascinating insights about the country's avian wonders.

What made this duo stand out was their seamless collaboration. Kim's dishes perfectly complemented the natural beauty of New Zealand that Greg so passionately described. The combination of exquisite cuisine and enriching discussions created an immersive experience that exceeded our expectations.

Greg and Kim's genuine warmth and expertise made our stay not just a vacation but an exploration of taste and nature. Whether through a mouthwatering meal crafted by Kim or an intriguing bird-related anecdote shared by Greg, their unique blend of talents turned our time into a delightful, well-rounded experience.

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Certainly! Here's a revised version:

Greg and Kim are an exceptional team, and our experience with…

"Certainly! Here's a revised version:

Greg and Kim are an exceptional team, and our experience with them was truly memorable. Kim's culinary skills created an array of delightful dishes that had us savoring every bite. From appetizers to main courses, each plate was a testament to her culinary expertise, leaving a lasting impression.

On the other hand, Greg's knowledge of New Zealand and its diverse birdlife brought a unique and engaging element to our stay. His passion for the subject was evident in the captivating stories he shared, turning casual conversations into fascinating insights about the country's avian wonders.

What made this duo stand out was their seamless collaboration. Kim's dishes perfectly complemented the natural beauty of New Zealand that Greg so passionately described. The combination of exquisite cuisine and enriching discussions created an immersive experience that exceeded our expectations.

Greg and Kim's genuine warmth and expertise made our stay not just a vacation but an exploration of taste and nature. Whether through a mouthwatering meal crafted by Kim or an intriguing bird-related anecdote shared by Greg, their unique blend of talents turned our time into a delightful, well-rounded experience. read less

4.7 Stars (4482 reviews)

G | January 1970

Classic South Island Adventure

Jennifer K

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

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Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime! read less

4.7 Stars (1725 reviews)

J | January 1970

Ultimate South Island Adventure

Donald H

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

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Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime! read less

4.7 Stars (4482 reviews)

D | January 1970

Classic South Island Adventure

Andrea L

"This trip was outstanding! I cannot think of a single thing that could have been better. I loved our guides. They were delightful and showed personal care for each one of us. They made every single moment of the trip fun.
Unfortunately I injured my ankle early on and the guides were able to accommodate me and help me continue safely with the activities.

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This trip was outstanding! I cannot think of a single thing that could have been…

"This trip was outstanding! I cannot think of a single thing that could have been better. I loved our guides. They were delightful and showed personal care for each one of us. They made every single moment of the trip fun.
Unfortunately I injured my ankle early on and the guides were able to accommodate me and help me continue safely with the activities. read less

4.7 Stars (1725 reviews)

A | January 1970

Patagonia Hiking Adventure

Robert P

"Our trip with Active Adventures was outstanding. Our guide was amazing and the views were stunning

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Our trip with Active Adventures was outstanding. Our guide was amazing and the views were…

"Our trip with Active Adventures was outstanding. Our guide was amazing and the views were stunning read less

4.7 Stars (1139 reviews)

R | October 9600

Ultimate North Island Adventure

Wendy W

"I'm not usually a "tour" type of traveler. I joined the North Island Adventure trip because I was traveling solo through NZ and thought Active Adventures would help get me to places I couldn't get myself. Over the ten days, there was not a moment I questioned my choice. Our guides -- Katie and Branden -- were all about generosity of spirit, pride, and knowledge about the country they lovingly call home. Every activity, accommodation, and meal was seamlessly organized and full of joy -- and in some cases mischievous surprises. There was even laughter on the long bus rides. What I really appreciated the most about the trip was the flexibility and thoughtfulness. I never felt like the "extra" as a single traveler and I, or any other of my fellow trip mates, wanted to change up our day or try something different, the answer was always "yes". Should you join an Active Adventure trip? My answer will always be "yes"!

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I'm not usually a "tour" type of traveler. I joined the North Island Adventure trip…

"I'm not usually a "tour" type of traveler. I joined the North Island Adventure trip because I was traveling solo through NZ and thought Active Adventures would help get me to places I couldn't get myself. Over the ten days, there was not a moment I questioned my choice. Our guides -- Katie and Branden -- were all about generosity of spirit, pride, and knowledge about the country they lovingly call home. Every activity, accommodation, and meal was seamlessly organized and full of joy -- and in some cases mischievous surprises. There was even laughter on the long bus rides. What I really appreciated the most about the trip was the flexibility and thoughtfulness. I never felt like the "extra" as a single traveler and I, or any other of my fellow trip mates, wanted to change up our day or try something different, the answer was always "yes". Should you join an Active Adventure trip? My answer will always be "yes"! read less

4.7 Stars (336 reviews)

W | January 1970

Ultimate North Island Adventure

Barbara F

"I've been impressed with the customer service at Active Adventures from the very beginning- from the basics of setting up a trip to the crazy
tour shifting in March 2020 to changing our 2023 trip to 2024. And our just completed Ultimate North Island Adventure continued to surpass all
that. Our guides, Braden and Katie, were exceptional in every way, going the extra mile to make our trip special and accommodating the varying abilities and desires of the group. There was always a good alternative if you weren't up to the main activity, and their "home town" knowledge added a special personal touch to the tour. They looked out for me and my bum knee, always making sure that things were OK, and finding ways of making it work. And I won't even start on the wonderful food- absolutely amazing, especially the guide prepared spreads with all the NZ specialties! The highest kudos and deepest thanks for their tireless efforts.

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I've been impressed with the customer service at Active Adventures from the very beginning- …

"I've been impressed with the customer service at Active Adventures from the very beginning- from the basics of setting up a trip to the crazy
tour shifting in March 2020 to changing our 2023 trip to 2024. And our just completed Ultimate North Island Adventure continued to surpass all
that. Our guides, Braden and Katie, were exceptional in every way, going the extra mile to make our trip special and accommodating the varying abilities and desires of the group. There was always a good alternative if you weren't up to the main activity, and their "home town" knowledge added a special personal touch to the tour. They looked out for me and my bum knee, always making sure that things were OK, and finding ways of making it work. And I won't even start on the wonderful food- absolutely amazing, especially the guide prepared spreads with all the NZ specialties! The highest kudos and deepest thanks for their tireless efforts. read less

4.7 Stars (336 reviews)

B | January 1970

Classic South Island Adventure

Julie K

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

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Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime! read less

4.7 Stars (1725 reviews)

J | January 1970

Classic South Island Adventure

Tim B

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

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Excellent, the trip of a lifetime!

"Excellent, the trip of a lifetime! read less

4.7 Stars (1725 reviews)

T | January 1970

Patagonia Hiking Adventure

David W

"From the first moment, we felt in good hands. We were fortunate with other group members being friendly as well. We had agonised over challenging vs comfort and we’re so glad we chose challenging for the immersion. Yes we had to share but our group was with us. Bonus. It was bonding

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From the first moment, we felt in good hands. We were fortunate with other group…

"From the first moment, we felt in good hands. We were fortunate with other group members being friendly as well. We had agonised over challenging vs comfort and we’re so glad we chose challenging for the immersion. Yes we had to share but our group was with us. Bonus. It was bonding read less

4.7 Stars (1139 reviews)

D | January 1970


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